Make a complaint
Give us as much information about your complaint as you can.
Required fields are marked with: *
My adult care complaint is about …
Subject of your complaint *
a short description of the problem
Who is this complaint for? *
Someone else
A company
who this complaint relates to
Please give full details of your complaint and how you think it should be resolved *
the more you provide here the more likely we'll have everything we'll need to try and resolve the issue
Supporting files:
Drag and drop files here or
Choose a file...
Uploaded files
Select the file to include
I've already spoken to someone at the council about this issue
tick this box if you've already spoken to someone at the council
Date and time when you last made contact
How did you make contact?
In Person
Who did you contact at the council?
Reference number if you have one
Further details
give us as much information as possible to help us resolve the issue
Are your concerns linked to your protected characteristic? The protected characteristics listed in the Equality Act 2010 are Age, Disability, Race, Sex, Sexual Orientation, Religion or Belief, Marriage of Civil Partnership, Gender Reassignment, Pregnancy or Maternity.
If “yes”, please tell us how you feel that your concerns are linked to your protected characteristic.